Saturday, 2 April 2011

2012 Canada-CARICOM Leadership Scholarships Program in Canada

April 1, 2011

Undergraduate and Graduate Scholarships Program in the field of Good Governance, Prosperity, Rule of Law, Democratic Development, Pure and applied in Canada-2012

Study Subject:Good governance, prosperity, rule of law, democratic development, pure and applied sciences (such as environmental science and information technology), economic and trade policy issues, teaching and commerce
Employer: Government of Canada
Level:Undergraduate and Graduate

Scholarship Description:Scholarships are for student and research exchanges at the college, undergraduate and graduate levels.Canadian institutions will receive cheques for the full amount of the scholarships stated in the signed agreements between their institution and CBIE. Canadian institutions will provide the amount to the recipient on a monthly basis or by lump sum. Canadian institutions can take up to $300 dollars to cover administration fees once the recipient arrives to Canada. Funds must be returned completely to CBIE if the recipient does not take up his/her scholarship. The scholarship amount must cover:
•Visa expenses
•Economy, round-trip airfare
•Monthly living allowance
•Required books, supplies, and equipment – not computers
Once the above expenses are covered the remaining amount should be provided to the recipient to cover any additional costs such as: ground transportation to the airport, recipient services fees, telecommunications (long distance) for research purposes and any other related costs.
•Financial reporting is NOT required from the institution or the recipient.
•Tuition is NOT an allowable expense; as recipient are registered full time and paying tuition to their home institution
•Scholarships are not renewable
•Scholarships are not taxable for either the institution or the recipient
The Canada–CARICOM Leadership Scholarships Program was announced in 2007 by Prime Minister Harper during a visit to the Caribbean. The program serves to enhance the skill sets required to advance the development and sustainability of CARICOM and seeks to strengthen institutional linkages between Canadian universities and colleges and those in the region.

Scholarship Application Deadline:April 29, 2011

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