Monday, 18 April 2011

Bristol Business School 100% MBA Scholarship in UK for International students 2011/2012

The Bristol Business School at University of the West England - UWE - offers various financial awards, loans and scholarships available to both national and international MBA applicants. Among other MBAscholarshipsoffered by thebusiness school, as listed below, is the 100% full-fee MBA scholarships for National and International Students worth £17,010. All scholarships are considered on the basis of your submitted online application. Students are advice to apply early as places are limited.

Scholarship Worth for Full-Fee MBA Scholarship/Program
The complete fees for both the full-time and part-time MBA programmes of £17,010 to cover;
• Tuition for the full duration of study, lectures, seminars and student support
• Core text books and literature required for the duration of the course
• Lifetime memberships with the Association of MBAs
• Accommodation for residential weekend including meals
• Elective course reading material
Payment of these fees can be made in full or by installments for fee paying students.
Eligibility: The scholarship will be awarded to the best application based on the criteria outlined below. You do not need to applyseparately for this scholarship as all scholarship applications submitted will be assessed for this award.
Criteria: In addition to meeting the normal entry requirements you will need to provide evidence on two or more of the following: career progression and achievement, professional development and academic excellence.
Deadline: Applications should be submitted before the 31 May 2011.

Other MBA Scholarships at Bristol Business School
Full-time and Executive MBA Scholarship (25%)

Value of scholarship: £4252.50
Eligibility: All MBA applicants are entitled to apply for this scholarship.Scholarships will be given individually based on the evidence provided. A maximum of 10 scholarships will be awarded to candidates from any one country.
Criteria: Same as above
How to apply: Once the school receives your completed online application form you will be invited, if eligible, to provide the evidence required for the chosen scholarship.
Deadline: Completed scholarship application form must be submitted by 31 July 2011.

Full-time MBA Alumni Scholarship (40%)
Value of scholarship: £6804.00
Eligibility: All UWE Alumni are entitled to apply for this scholarship.Scholarships will be given based on the evidence provided. A maximum of 5 scholarships are available.
Criteria: Same as above
How to apply: Same as MBA Scholarship (25%)
Deadline: Completed scholarship application form must be submitted by 31 July 2011.

Executive MBA Corporate Discount (36%)
Value of scholarship: £6123.60
Eligibility: This discount is applicable for three or more students on any one cohort and will be applied for each year of study. This discount will be evaluated by the MBA Programme Director in negotiation with the client organization.

Executive MBA Corporate Discount (46%)
Value of scholarship: £7824.60
Eligibility: This discount is applicable for three or more students in any one cohort in two or more consecutive years. It is applied for each year of study and will be evaluated by the MBA Programme Director in negotiation with the client organization.
For more details about these scholarship programs at Bristol Business School, University of the West England visit HERE

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